'Companies for Safety' Award 2016

Special mention to Sambonet Paderno Industrie

The Group is the only company in design for tabletop and kitchen sector among the 15 finalists of the IV edition of “Companies for Safety Award”, a precious recognition set up by Confindustria and INAIL with the technical collaboration of APQI (Associazione Premio Qualità Italia) and Accredia.

The award recognizes to the Group the commitment in promoting the "Total Safety Management" in its foreign production sites in France and Germany.
The Group leaders’ personal commitment and vision helped to spread the parameters of the Headquarter to the international branches, increasing workplace safety and health.

The plaque of the special mention has been assigned to Sambonet Paderno Industrie during the awarding ceremony that took place in Confindustria National headquarters last 20th July.

The recognition is part of the “Companies for Safety Award” initiative, born to enhance and spread the risk-prevention culture; it rewards companies that distinguish themselves for the actual commitment and the accomplishments achieved in health and safety at work. Sambonet Paderno Industrie has been shortlisted in  the 15 finalists after a strict evaluation process – executed on more than 100 companies – about workplace safety and health.

“This honorable mention – remarks Dr.Claudia Sguaita, Sambonet Paderno Industrie’s Quality, Safety and Environment manager, – is a further proof of the responsibility and commitment that the Companyspends in the implementation of procedures and responsible behavior in safety field. These actions are launched not only in the headquarter, but even in the international sites like Rosenthal, Ercuis and Raynaud, where there is a strong willing to improve and guarantee the highest safety levels”.

Just some months after getting the Social Responsibility Certification (SR10), this recognition reinforces the guidelines followed by the company that aims to combine production quality with the improvement of working environment.