The concept of this item was born when Gio Ponti supposed to have built his theory for the first time: the theory of the “finished shape”.
The sixty-year-old designer enhanced the shape in every project, giving it the features of “structural invention”, “essentiality” and “expressivity”.
The theoretical invention by Ponti, the richness and the fervor of the design typical of the 50’s, as well the building of the Pirelli Tower… the new centre-piece Sambonet comes to life from this background. An unedited project, very typical for its perfectly symmetrical shape, the Gio Ponti Centre-piece has been conceived to be all-purpose, going beyond its original function.
Made in stainless steel, but also available in the silver plated version, the centre-piece is composed of two single bowls with a foot which can be joined together in a nearly perfect spherical item. Each bowl, separately, can contain glamorous flowers or fruits, while combined together, the bowls create a single and eye-catching architecture. It’s a charming design item, a work
of art, that everyone can enjoy as a real “luxury” in one’s own personal living space.
Gio Ponti was born in Milan in 1891. In 1921 he graduated in architecture at the “Politecnico di Milano” University and began his professional activity in association with other architects of Milan. In 1923 Gio Ponti made his public debut at the first Biennial Exhibition of the Decorative Arts in Monza, which was followed by his involvement in organizing the subsequent Triennial Exhibitions of Monza and Milan. Following his commitment to the ceramics manufacturing industry, in 1928 he founded the “Domus” magazine. From 1936 to 1961 he was professor at the faculty of Architecture at the “Politecnico di Milano” University.
Father of the design made in Italy, Gio Ponti is the greatest exponent of Italian rationalism: through his constant architectural search one can find an extreme synthesis and formal balance in all his works.